-Reconnection: A Journey to Success -

March 12, 2024 / Cala Botanic Sanctuary, Miami-FL










Location: Cala Botanic Sanctuary, Miami-FL..
Time:  09:00 - 15:00
Dress: Casual.

Embark on an extraordinary journey tailored exclusively for you, the accomplished businesswoman and CEO.
Join our prestigious Reconnection Circle in Miami.


Embark on an extraordinary journey tailored exclusively for you, the accomplished businesswoman and CEO.
Join our prestigious Reconnection Circle in Miami.

The Society for Hispanic Women Entrepreneurs (SHE) is an organization born in the heart of Europe, founded by the mentor and emotionally intelligent connections specialist, Veronica Sosa.
In this unique opportunity, Veronica will join three extraordinary women to curate an unparalleled experience.

Immerse yourself in the exquisite facilities of the Cala Botanic Sanctuary, sanctuary of nature, inspiration, magic, and wisdom.
Come together for a day that will linger in your memory.

Indulge in exclusive benefits and activities::

🌟 Select networking with fellow female entrepreneurs and CEOs.
🌟 Empowering group coaching sessions to enhance your leadership.
🌟 Engaging activities to explore the reconnection with your ancestral roots.
🌟 Exclusive workshop with the creator of Spiritual Divorce.
🌟 Access to tools promoting wellness and balance.
🌟 Enjoy special discounts on future events and leadership programs

Undoubtedly, this is a remarkable opportunity for personal and professional growth.

Invest in this unique experience and gift yourself a day of inspiration, connection, and growth alongside four incredible women who radiate the same brilliance as you do.



Laura Dalmau

Laura Dalmau is a Connector & Holistic Curator living between Barelona and Miami.
She helps people connect with their hearts. She has always felt a strong connection with energy, frequency, and travel. She specializes in Spiritual Divorce® under the methodology of the KiiTH® Method. In her therapies, she uses frequencies to balance the body, mind, and spirit.

A'OHE, her creation of high-vibration essences, is inspired by the transformative experiences she encountered during her travels and while hosting holistic retreats worldwide.

Joyce Haddad

Joyce Hadaad is an Untangling expert specializing in spiritual psychology. Has seen over 1000 clients throughout her career, and is the creator of "Spiritual Divorce®," a powerful Quantum UNTANGLING Method that can be applied to yourself and others.

Joyce is a bilingual (English & Spanish) FIU graduate who earned her degree in psychology in the USA offering her knowledge and expertise in trauma work, energy and voice alchemy, metaphysics, behavior, energy reprogramming, entrepreneurship. This has led her to devote her passion to her mission for over 20 years in the field of complementary, quantum, and alternative medicine


Lila Lotus

Lila is the creator The Healer's Journey spiritual retreats, creator and teacher of the programs: Energy Healing Academy, "Initiationis" School of Mysteries and "High Priestess" the path of Mary Magdalene.  

She is also the founder and president of Project Pachamama Non Profit Organization




Veronica, guided by her mantra "Together is better," has traversed a profound journey, envisioning expansion not only for herself but also for those on the transformative path of personal development.

Her expertise extends to smart partnerships, establishing her role as the founder of Business Fit International, Business Fit Magazine, and S.H.E. (Society and Seminar for Hispanic Entrepreneurs). Author and Holistic Business Mentor.

As a holistic business mentor, She guides individuals on a transformative journey, integrating mind, body, and spirit into their entrepreneurial endeavors. Veronicas approach goes beyond traditional business strategies, encompassing well-being, mindfulness, and purpose to foster a balanced and sustainable approach to success.